2007 Maryland Scholarship Recipient - Colleen Ferris

August 2009
            Dear Mr. Herzberg: One more summer has come and gone and as I'm packing for the             fall I was reminded of Eric's scholarship that I am very thankful for. His scholarships             over the past two years have helped me financially reach my goals of going to the             University of Montana. It has given me the freedom to work on my academics rather             than worrying about tuition. Time has been going by so fast! I'm leaving for a field             semester that is located in Northwest Montana, in the Swan Valley. I will be with a             small group of students living sustainably on a homestead conducting classes outside             and working on mini research projects. It's an intensive semester so I will be done in             two months then I will come home to Maryland to work and see my family. I will then             drive out for spring semester in January. I am really excited about the field semester.             It focuses on rural communities, wildlife and conservation biology. Really cool stuff!             When I get back I will start looking at graduate schools, I'm really interested in Masters             International. Its is a mix of the Peace Corps and graduate school. But thats to think             about later.

            How is your family doing and your year going? Any thing exciting happening this             summer? Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you!
            Sincerely, Colleen Ferris

            Colleen - you certainly have made the most of your opportunities so far. We know             your family is very proud of you and so are we.

January 2009
            Dear Mr. Herzberg: Montana is awesome! I totally understand when people say they go             west and don't leave. I'm truly captivated by the mountains and all of nature's beauty.             This past semester was challenging trying to balance all the outdoor activities I wanted             to do with school but I managed to juggle everything pretty well. I took 19 credits and             finished this semester with a 3.6 and also got the chance to backpack in the Kootenai             National Forest, rock climb in Lolo National Forest, play in Idaho hot springs, mountain             biked and so much hiking. I also got to spend a long weekend in Seattle with some             friends and we explored the famous Pike's Place Market. I spent Thanksgiving out in             the Bitteroot Mountain Range in a cabin along side the West Fork Rock Creek with some             other east coaster's and had a blast!  School is great, I realized that as much as I             love photography the Journalism program is not for me so I'm going to continue with a             single major of Ecology and Organismal Biology. Of course I will continue with             photography on the side like I always have. My goals are still set high to work with             large mammals abroad and make an impact with the environment. I can't wait to go             back and see all the snow their getting and try my luck with skiing and snowboarding!.             Hope all is well with you and your family.
            Sincerely, Colleen Ferris

            Colleen - you are one amazing person and truly have a zest for life. I know Eric is very             proud of you and so are we.

September 2008
            Dear Mr. Herzberg - As the summer is coming to a close I'm preparing to pack for the             fall but instead of beach clothes and sandals, I'm packing winter jackets and hiking             boots. After a year at the beach studying marine science, Ive decided to follow my gut             and study zoology and photojournalism. Those majors are taking me out to the             University of Montana! With excellent environmental programs with opportunities to do             research in Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks and scenery meant for a photo             major, Montana seems like a promising opportunity. I really enjoyed my time down             south, I truly met some friends for life, but with aspirations of a career with animals vet             school in the future?!) and possibly photography I feel like this is a change for the             better. Its going to be such an adventure and I'm totally up for it! I'm going to continue             to email and send photo's for the website to let you know how every things going. I             hope your enjoying your summer, talk to you soon!

            Colleen - you will never go wrong following your passion. Do we see working for             National Geographic in your future? Hopefully, we can post some of your photos here             when you become famous!

April 2008 - Miss Ferris is attending Coastal Carolina University and studying marine science.             She is off to a great start having won two photography contests through the             university newspaper. She currently is the photographer for the Coast Club rugby             team - she says it's a blast!. She has finished her first semester on the Dean's List with             a 3.9 GPA. She is working part-time at a restaurant and she is also working out on             the track to stay in shape. It sounds like she is thriving in her new surroundings.             Good job Colleen - we look forward to the next update!

            Picture of Colleen Ferris accepting scholarship award
            Eric's Dad presenting Eric's scholarship at Severna Park high school

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